If you are a frequent player in the Asian online casino markets, you might have heard a word or two about Venus Point. It is undoubtedly one of the most common online electronic financial platform for people in this region. It is an online payment processing platform that facilitates transactions between third parties. It will handle all the transfers to local currency regardless of the original transaction currency. This makes it a very convenient buffer to people who want to separate their online gaming and casino escapades from their financial identity for extra safety. Find the top recent Venus Point casinos below.
NOTE: Since there are no casinos in this toplist, allowing players from United States, we recommend you to check out Rich Palms that does accept players in United States or one of the other new casinos.
4 New casinos supporting Venus Point
A truly unique new online casino for Japan lovers speaking English or Japanese.
1st Deposit bonus: Frequent players get all bonuses and they are amazing! Launched on: Thursday October 24, 2019
NOTE: There are no casinos available in United States on this toplist. We therefore recommend you to check out Rich Palms that does accept players in United States or one of the other new casinos instead.
Venus is a simple and straightforward platform for first time users. The homepage is in Japanese but you can easily change it into English. Signing up is simple. All you have to do is enter your email address and you will receive a registration link to your email in under five minutes. After a successful registration, you can start receiving currency, or points, as Venus calls them, send them and convert them into your local currency without having to wait for a bank card or complex verification processes. The idea of using points lets you deposit and use your real currency to purchase Venus Points. It is the Venus Points that are sent to other platforms, for instance your online casino account. Receiving money also entails receiving points and later converting them to currency when withdrawing.
How Quick is it to Load Your VenusPoint Account
The basic currency in VenusPoint is the US dollar. Any currency you used will be converted to the US dollar before VenusPoint calculates the exchange rates and accompanying fees. These will be displayed to you in detail letting you give a go ahead or stop the transaction. You can convert from YEN or EUR with this account. Venus Point has multiple deposit options but the most common option is via bank account. Ensure that your account has sufficient funds before attempting to fund your VenusPoint account. Also, you should ensure that your bank account number and name matches what is on the VenusPoint profile. You will have to fill the exchange funds form at Venus Point to select the amount, account type, bank name, branch name and account number you want to load from. The process will be complete and implemented in minutes.
Withdrawing from VenusPoint
Withdrawing money from your new casino to a Venus Point account is as simple as depositing. All you have to do is select Venus Point as your payout option at your favourite online casino. After this, you will be redirected to a page to log into your Venus Point account and confirm the link. Once you have the funds in your VenusPoint account, you can transfer them to your local bank account by using the withdraw form.
Transaction Fees
Venus Point will charge you an amount per transaction. The fees are calculated in the US dollar and are not reversible or refundable once a transaction has been initiated. Since they can change at any time and without prior notice, you will be better off checking them at the official website before doing the transaction. Note that you will have to give extra information if you receive more than $10 000 or the equivalent in EUR or Yen in a week.
5 Common Reasons Why Venus Point Might Decline Your Transactions
Even though using Venus Point should be a breeze, you might have your payments declined or suspended for a while. The top five reasons why this might happen include: If you transact more than $10000 per week: Going beyond this will prompt the Venus Point support team to request for extra information about the transactions before they can validate it. If the platform finds out that you are using its services to facilitate restricted activities like anything that violates any law, statute or ordinance, for instance, pornography drug or human trafficking. If the recipient doesn’t accept the funds within a week. The platform will reverse the amount to your Venus Point account. If you opened your account using fraudulent information. If the platform doesn’t support transactions in your region or the recipient’s region.
Pros with Venus Point
It is easy to open and operate and account. Most Venus Point casinos give bonuses for transactions. Venus Point implements transactions within seconds. Transactions are highly secured and the company works hard to keep you anonymous during all transactions.
Cons with Venus Point
The translation to the US dollars makes it a bit unpredictable since your actual money varies as FX rates change. The fact that transaction charges vary without prior notice is a bit offsetting. If you play in an online casino that supports Venus Point, then it is a great payment platform that you should consider. It is fast, safe and convenient especially if you are in Asia or the EU. Just remember that you must be over 18 years old to open an account.
Upcoming casino
Below you can see a sneak preview of the next new casino to be launched in the nearest future.
1736 days ago
Expected launch was Thursday 23 Apr 2020
News Flash
NetEnt Release Games with Flexible RTP Monday, 30 March 2020 21:20 The Swedish giant NetEnt today revealed they will offer 6 of their highly popular slots will come with flexible RTP. Initially, the new strategies will be tested on Reel Rush, Starburst, Butterfly Stat, Twin Spin, Guns N’ Roses and Fruit Shop. Soon, individual new casinos online are able to set their own RTP adjustments to various slots. We at New Casinos Online are negative to this new measure by NetEnt and expect this to give them fewer customers and lower trust over time. For a list of the best new Netent casinos, go here.